Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tutorial: Galaxy Manicure Featuring Mr. Spock

I've always wanted to try a galaxy manicure. They are just so beautiful! I figured it might be hard or too complicated, so that is what took me so long. But, they are actually  really easy and a lot of fun. I also did a video tutorial of this manicure so everyone can see how easy they are to do.

I used a lot of different polishes for this manicure. I started off with Il Etait Un Vernis Paint it Black as a base for all my nails and then added Il Etait Un Vernis Light Box. I made the different stars, planets, etc with those glow in the dark pumpkin polishes you find at Rite Aid around Halloween time. (you can see them in the background of the photo). I used Sugar Bubbles SB14 for the stamping of the shield and Mr Spock from Star Trek. I made stamping decals of each and colored them in and then put them on my nails. You can see all the details and step by step in the video below.

What do you think? Have you ever tried a galaxy manicure?

Monday, November 16, 2015

More than a Stockist: a chat with Therese

Did you know we have a new look to There's been a lot of changes and I'm so excited about all of them! Not only have we updated the website, but we have help with shipping now making processing times so much faster, 3-5 shipping days for in-stock items with a few extra days for large launches and sales. We've also started a newsletter so you can stay up to date with all of the new products, restocks, launches, and sales!

I've had the pleasure of meeting so many people over the past few years whether in real life or through the computer while I've been growing the business. We thought maybe you'd like to know more about me so I sat down for an interview!
When she's not ordering gorgeous nail polish or shopping for products to offer on, you would be hard pressed to find Therese Vogel sitting around doing nothing. "My husband has a really green thumb and has recently gotten me into gardening and we've turned part of our front lawn into an edible wonderland," Therese explains. "It seems like every year I pick up a new hobby."
That hobby list includes nail art (of course!), crocheting, knitting, learning new musical instruments and traveling. You'd be shocked at the number of instruments Therese has mastered, "I have played the flute for 24 years, it's my first instrument and sometimes feels like my third arm. I've also played the saxophone, clarinet, trombone, a little piano and tried picking up the violin and trumpet but have not gone very far with either of those. But, I always keep coming back to the flute."
Running Beautometry is a family affair in the Vogel household. Husband Joe can be found uploading photos to the website and updating product listings. Nineteen month old Joey helps with the packages and is an expert at putting labels on the boxes and making sure they get to the post office and into the bins. The hand written notes and little gifts in each order are inspired by Therese's namesake St. Therese of Lisieux. "She is well-known for her "little way" which is basically that even in the small things you should be cheerful and each little thing can add up to big things," Therese explains, "She inspires me because of the way she lived her life. She made the little things count; even if you can only help one person in a day that's still one person that you helped. We may not be able to move mountains, but we can easily move spoon-fuls that can someday turn into mountains, right?"
At the end of the day you can find Therese planning her next trip to see family, a visit to Colonial Williamsburg or catching up on her DVR'd episodes of "Teen Mom".

Therese at Chatham Manor with a view of Fredericksburg, VA
And what interview wouldn't be complete without a photo? This photo was taken at Chatham Manor overlooking the city of Fredericksburg. The skyline has pretty much been the same since the 1800s!! The whole area is rich in history and I always love learning more about it. For example, Chatham is one of a few places that both President Washington and President Lincoln have visited (not at the same time of course). Notice the awesome musical railing?!

Well, that's enough about me. What kinds of hobbies besides nail art do you have and what places do you like visiting? Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Chez Delaney Stamping Plates

Chez Delaney Stamping plates are now available on!

These plates are great! They have unique designs ranging from the 1950's all the way to floral prints, food, and even and Egypt plate.

You can find them now on at this link.

What's your favorite?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Nail Matinee Stamping Plates from India!!

Brand new to the nail stamping community are the beautiful plates from India called Nail Matinee. They stamp beautifully and there are currently 4 plates available.

They are available for purchase at for $8.50 each at this link.

First, here are photos of each plate so you can see all the images on them up close:

Here are swatches of each plate so you can see how wonderful the images stamp:

And here's some measurement photos so you can see the sizing of the plates.

Stay tuned for some designs using these plates!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

F.U.N. Lacquer Now Available on!!!

F.U.N. Lacquer, from Singapore, is now available on!

 Follow this link to check out all the awesome colors. There are some amazing holographic and color shifting polishes available from this brand. Check it out :)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Watermarble and Shamrock Stamping with MM04

I decided to combine stamping, watermarble, and the leadlight technique for this manicure.
I started with Sally Hansen XTreme Wear Green With Envy on all nails. I then created a watermarble decal with Sally Hansen XTreme Wear Green With Envy, Marine Scene, and Ivy League for my thumbs.

I then stamped using Messy Mansion MM04 stamping plate the 4 leaf clover in a French design across 3 of my nails with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Marine Scene.

Then, I stamped the ornate Shamrock from MM04 with Funky Fingers Black Knight. I colored that in with Bic Mark-It markers and then topped everything off with Seche Vite.


Have you tried coloring stamps in with markers?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Toothpick Watermarble with a Shamrock

I've been playing around with watermarbling lately. For this design, I incorporated traditional watermarbling with "toothpick marbling" right on the nail.
I started off with Sinful Colors Happy Ending on all nails. Then, I put Kleancolors Neon Lime on the tips of all 4 fingers.
For the thumb, I created a watermarble shamrock design with Kleancolors Neon Lime and Kleancolor Holo Green. This watermarble was done the traditional way and turned into a decal.

For the tips, while the main color was still wet, I put a drop of Sally Hansen XTreme Wear Marine Scene and pushed the toothpick around in it to create the marbling effect. Topped it all with Seche Vite and applied my cuticle oil.

Have you tried watermarbling right on the nail?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Q is for Quirky: Cupcake Watermarble

Today for the A2Z Challenge, we have Q is for Quirky. I had a quick inspiration for this and just went with it.

I started with a base of Wet n Wild Fast Dry Silvivor and created a water marble decal with that and Glitter Gal 10 to Midnight. These are holographic!!!
I then created a stamping decal with Cheeky Jumbo Plate 7 Home Sweet Home for the cupcake using Funky Finger Blacks Night then colored it in with OPI Pink Friday and L.A. Colors French White.

I really enjoyed this quirky look!! What do you think?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Better Than Jamberry: Butterfly Kisses

This week in AIS, the challenge was to do "better than Jamberry" nails. I've never tried the nail wraps they offer and don't really feel inclined to since I have so many stamping plates and the sky's the limit with stamping nail art.

I chose Butterfly Kisses to recreate.

I started with AEngland Iseult on all nails and then topped that off with Glitter Gal Fuschia holographic. Isn't that a beautiful combination??

I used BM-424 from the BM 2013 CYO (Create Your Own) collection and stamped the butterfly wing image with Funky Fingers Black Knight.
I used L.A. Colors French White to make the dots on the wings with a toothpick.
I LOVE this look!!! Have you every done butterfly wing nails?

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Monkeying Around

 The ladies over at Nail Crazies Unite on Facebook are having weekly challenges. For the month of February, these are our challenges:

This week's challenge was "Fruit." Immediately I thought to try something new and different, so bananas came to mind. That also made me think that I should try creating a monkey nail art. Here's what I came up with :)

I started with Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Yellow Kitty on all nails except my accent nail. The accent nail has Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Commander in Chic with Il etait un vernis Drop Dead Gorgeous over it.
I then created a stamping decal for the bananas using Cheeky Jumbo Plate 7 Home Sweet Home stamped with Funky Fingers Black Knight.
The Monkey thumb accent was drawn with Bic Mark It Fine Point Permanent Marker in Woodsy Brown and then I used the Sally Hansen to create the details along with white polish and the Tuxedo Black Bic marker for the eyes and nostrils.
Isn't that monkey cute?? I love how this turned out. Have you ever done animal inspired nail art?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

P is for Pale: Flourishes

Today for the A2Z Challenge, we have P is for Pale. I took it to mean a pale color base and something not as bright or busy as well.

I started with Kleancolor Frapuccino as a base on all nails and then used my Creative Shop Stamper set to stamp the flourish design from Cheeky Jumbo Plate 7 Home Sweet Home onto my nails with Kleancolor Metallic Mango.

This was a nice palate cleanser for me since my nails have been so bright and filled with designs lately. I also had a chance to use the Creative Shop stamper set again. I REALLY love how large this is. My nails are growing out and it will be such a pleasure to be able to get them in one stamp instead of trying to match up a double stamped design.

Do you have the new Creative Shop stamper +scraper set? What do you think of it?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Beautometry 1000 Likes Facebook Giveaway!!

Well, how quick that was!! Beautometry now has over 1000 likes on Facebook (and counting!).
Thank you everyone. We are now due for a giveaway.

The first place prize is the highly sought after Creative Shop Stamper+Scraper set!! And, second place prize is 4 Kleancolor polishes of the winner's choice. We're currently at 1200 and some likes, so for every 100 more likes we get, I will add another prize. :)

1.You must be 18 and older
2.This is for US only
3.All entries will be verified and if not done fully or correctly they will be deleted without warning
4.The winners have 48 hours to respond otherwise I will choose another winner

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

2015 Valentine's Day Challenge: Love and Kisses

Today's theme for the 2015 Valentine's Day Challenge is Love and Kisses. I went with literal this time, but some nontraditional St. Valentine's Day colors :)

I started with Funky Fingers Chesire on all nails and then put Glitter Gal Bruised Ego on top of that on all nails.

Using BM02 and BM09, I stamped the kisses and "LOVE" word on my thumb and ring finger with AEngland Excalibur (original). 
I finished the manicure by doing a French tip on the other nails with Funky Fingers Dark Knight.

Here's a closeup of the thumb:

What nontraditional colors have you used for St. Valentine's Day?

2015 Valentine's Day Challenge: Love and Kisses

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

N is for New: I LOVE this New Plate!

Today for the A2Z Challenge, we have N is for New. I decided to go with a new plate that I haven't used yet. It is Marianne nails plate n53.

I started with AEngland Guinevere on all nails.

I then stamped the Love image from Marianne nails plate n53:

After I stamped, I added Glitter Gal Wysteria and AEngland Avalon on the accent nail.

What do you think? Have you used any new to you plates lately?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015 Valentine's Day Challenge: Roses

Today's theme for the 2015 Valentine's Day Challenge is Roses. I decided to do a simple, yet elegant version. I also tried my hand at stamping with more than 1 color at the same time.

I first put 2 coats of Funky Fingers Ectoplasmic on all my nails. 

Starting with the Nailways Springtime- Love is in the Air plate, I used Konad red on the flower part of the rose and Konad green on the stem part. I put both on the plate at once, then scraped and stamped. This created a red rose with green stem for the nail out of one stamp.
I then used Shany SH06 to stamp a bit of the lacey design with Funky Fingers Dark Knight.
I finished off the accent nail with Konad red and the full nail design of roses from the Nailways plate.

What do you think?